Like death by a thousand paper cuts.
Luckily, this dynamic also works in reverse.
One small step at a time, time after time, you can replace an ineffective habit with a better one.
Aristotle said it memorably:
"We are what we repeatedly do.
Excellence, then, is not an act,
but a habit."
To create that better habit:
Pick the change to focus on now.
Define a simple change. What would create a good ripple effect - or be the most fun to achieve?
Identify the before, the after and the why.
Write down the behavior you want to stop, the behavior you want to put in its place, and what will occur when you do. Create a clear picture of each.
Define the win.
What will you count to know when, or how well, you've ingrained the replacement behavior? How and when will you reward your success?
Put your supports in place.
These can include: physical reminders, a tool for tracking progress, someone who'll hold you accountable, something to say to yourself each time you succeed.
Take one step.
Chart your progress. Recognize what helped, what didn't, why it's worth continuing. Take one more step. Repeat.
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